Backlog Grooming

Tame the backlog before you get bogged down



For developers who are handed a list of features to code that never ends, limited resources and very demanding users (and/or bosses)

Also relevant for Marketing or Product people landing a new job and discovering the dev team is entangled in a messy and non prioritised todo list

Content Covered

Review all documentation and todo lists & meet the team 1 on 1

Harmonise the existing backlog, likely as User Stories with a proper user centred format (highlighting the benefit for users, not just the technical bits)

Differentiate what is foundational and what is part of a feature set

Run a Prioritisation Sprint with the product team (including dev, PO (or pseudo PO), marketing, etc.) to vote on every item and visualise live the evolution of the overall team's workload

Share agile guideline and best practices to stay on track, share progress and challenge the backlog during ongoing implementation


Anytime you feel your project is getting out of hands deadline- or scope-wise


Remote coaching via Zoom or equivalent

60 min sessions

Backlog Grooming


Baptiste Bachellerie Independent Service Designer

Copyright © 2021 BaptisteB All rights reserved.

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