Identify the key interactions in your service and delight your users
Do your customers actually experience the benefits you initially intended for your service to deliver?
Do you find your service customer satisfaction metrics are well deserved?
Does you brand DNA transpire through your service?
It may be so that customers don't perceive the value a service is providing not because that value is lower than believed, but simply because they're not reminded of it several times along their experience.
The thing with services is that they need little reminders of their attributes to truly deliver their intended benefits to customers. We call these reminders proofs of service, they serve as intuitive indicators for customers to quickly assess the value of a service, whether this value means speed, comfort, safety, confidentiality, ethics, etc.
I can identifying the moments of truth of your service, as well as current or missing proofs along your customers journey. Your team can then build on these proofs to strengthen the perceived value of the service, its metrics (e.g. purchase intent, conversion rate, customer lifetime value...) and bake the new proofs of service into the "service signature".
Moments-of-Truth audits usually start with an immersion in a product or service, then a workshop takes place with key collaborators aiming at challenging my findings and working on best-practices for the gaps I have identified and finally a report and final presentation is delivered.
Moments-of-Truth Audit
1.5 days
Kick-Off (1 hr)
1/2 day immersion in the product or service 📍 I use the service with a fresh eye just like a customer would, 📍 I take notes along the way of all the stimuli and messages I perceive as well as the hesitation or lack of information that I may feel, 📍 I repeat the process for as many different customers and product/plans the service may offer
1 x 3 hrs workshop (the workshop takes place with key collaborators aiming at challenging my findings and working on best-practices for the gaps I have identified)
1 illustrated report (detailed screenshots and/or photos)
1 final handover
Baptiste Bachellerie Independent Service Designer
Copyright © 2021 BaptisteB All rights reserved.
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