User centric tools and workshop techniques brought to your PO — backstage
Content Covered
Meet before and/or after the PO's workshop with his/her team
Discuss agenda, timeline, tools used during team meeting
Recommend relevant Agile routines to help with project completion and regular deliveries
Suggest team exercices to go through blockages along the way (e.g. ideation technics to circumvent a problem, voting techniques to take into account technical, user and business aspects when prioritising features, etc.)
Review project documentation (backlog, specs, briefs...) to highlight potential threats to come
At anytime during a product or service development
Remote coaching via Zoom or equivalent
60 min sessions
Product Owner Shadowing
Baptiste Bachellerie Independent Service Designer
Copyright © 2021 BaptisteB All rights reserved.
No code 😍 know-how Build the same page (or a landing page for your MVP?!) with the following tool
TypeDream ↗️
Tally ↗️
Notion ↗️
Keynote ↗️